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Welcome to Nativity of Our Lord’s 2023-2024 Religious Education Program.

Every year, we are committed to the spiritual growth of your children while challenging your own faith life. We cannot stress how important the parents are in a child's religious formation. You are their greatest influence and have made a great decision to enroll your child in our program however your work does not stop here.


Every year, it is standard practice to re-evaluate our program to find better methods of educating your children. Nativity has had its challenges over the years, however sticking together as a community and having our catechists educate them back into the classrooms weekly has strengthened our students in their social, activity and communications skills even better than before.


We contribute to the success of our growth due to our faithful catechists, our congregation and ministry leaders who continue to volunteer in our program. Our well-rounded curriculum’s goal is to inspire and motivate each child to develop love of the Father, have a personal encounter with Jesus Christ with guidance and knowledge of the Holy Spirit. We successfully build an understanding of the basic beliefs in the Roman Catholic faith and lay the foundation and encouragement to carry those beliefs throughout their adult lives while strengthening community.


Our program has been slightly adjusted. Requirements are:


  • 17 Sessions (max 12 children):

    • Tues: 6:00 pm - 7:15pm

    • Wed: 5:30pm – 6:45pm

    • Wed: 7:00pm – 8:15pm

  • 2 Family Faith Formation Events

  • 1 Penance Service – all grades together

  • Service: Each grade will be assigned a month to serve all aspects of Mass.


These components are not optional, and all children and parents must participate. Regular Mass attendance is strongly recommended to reinforce classroom learning.


We hope this format will help all families grow in their faith. We look forward to assisting you and help guide you and your child through a spiritual path that you will follow through life.


If you have any questions, please contact the Faith Formation Office at . If you wish to enroll your children in the Faith Formation Program, click on the Registration Button.


God Bless,


Tara Vigario



Craft Fair Sponsored by Religious Education - Click HERE for details and date

Nativity of Our Lord

185 Applegarth Road

Monroe Twp, NJ 08831


Church Office:


Fax: 609-371-0677

  • Facebook - Grey Circle
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Sustained by the Eucharist, we reflect the joy of Christ's birth to all people through love, compassion, and service.

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