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Faith Formation

Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.(Romans 10:17)

Initiation Ministry RCIA - Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults

RCIA is designed to initiate and welcome new adult members into the Catholic Church and our Parish Community. The emphasis is on prayer, scripture, study and sharing the experience of faith. The program is a process for persons who have never been baptized or for those who have been baptized in other Christian Churches and want to become members of the Catholic Church. Members of the parish are invited to participate as catechists and sponsors. Contact JoLynn Krempecki 732-690-2610.


Adult Faith Formation/Bible Study

A team of parishioners with the approval of the parish Pastor assess the parish needs and develop action plans with emphasis on faith formation, the Catholic Bible and Catechism.  Approved curriculum, seminars and discussion groups are conducted throughout the year. 

Contact Bill Lenahan, 908-419-6694


Children's Liturgy

Children's Liturgy of the Word celebrates the proclamation of God's Word in language that is appropriate for children of our parish and is easily understood. The children are given an opportunity to reflect on the Gospel and discuss how Jesus's message works in their lives - from home to school to sports to community. Contact Kathy Moloney 646-532-8445 or Nancy Stone 908-451-8055


Religious Education


The education of the children of the Parish in the Roman Catholic faith from 1st grade through 8th grade. Children are prepared to receive the sacraments of First Reconciliation, First Communion and Confirmation. For more information, visit our Religious Education page.



Men's Spirituality Group

The men of the Parish meet to discuss their spiritual life, how it can grow and be a force in their lives, their families and their work place. Contact Steve Bannon 




Nativity of Our Lord

185 Applegarth Road

Monroe Twp, NJ 08831


Church Office:


Fax: 609-371-0677

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Sustained by the Eucharist, we reflect the joy of Christ's birth to all people through love, compassion, and service.

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